So proud

I don’t know why, I’ve had debian installed previously, Even Gentoo. But debian is much more stable and supported by the community, so until I rename it:

This will be my workhorse until I can replace it. Not a web server though. That remains the relm of my i5!

You Know

Trump wasn’t the first to get people to self-deport, right?

The Hitleresque overtones are strong with that one.

Out With

the new stuff (AKA ubuntu). I’m sticking with the OG distro, debian, as ubuntu has failed me again.

or is it the second distro? as I believe slackware is older?

Yeah, google solved that Q: “Yes, Slackware is considered older than Debian, being widely recognized as the oldest still-maintained Linux distribution, with its development starting earlier than Debian’s; both were initiated around 1993, but Slackware is generally considered slightly older. “

And I adopted linux around the millenia. So it only took me about 7 years to adopt linux.

Here’s one

thing Ive noticed since trump assumed the office.

The influence of the tech bros is noticable.

The ads. Especially on ‘social’ media sites. Yes, I’m looking at you you tube.

For shame.

Shame on you you tube. We certainly need a second player to enter the game.

And it won’t even get into the Schwanzlutscher that is the zuck.


Ich habe große Pläne für mein Heimlabor.

Jetzt wechsle ich zu Schwedisch … wie der Fisch … oder meine Haare.

Oh Boy

Another Go

Ugh, YT embeds aren’t working right.