per usual

I’m still as well as I can be. Still contemplating the switch to that DMT. Keysimpta. But again, my history with DMTs in the past gives me pause on the matter.

what’s the worst

way to treat them like criminals? Make them go through ‘airport’ like security so you can make sure their day is completely fucking ruined before it even begins. fuck disney.


me and my temper nearly got us kicked out of epcot.

It just occurred to me

If my attack happened in early 2018, that means it’ll be five years since the GA. That means i’ve been off my game for half a decade FFS!

oh boo hoo

i had a life altering tysabri afflicted MS relapse. It was dreadfull. Like i was once this big bright beacon of hope (and a bit of artificial sadness). Now all i can think of things as pre-attack and post-attack.

if it happened before the GA, there is a chance i can remember it. With some prodding. It it was post attack i likely can’t remember.

woe is me:(

Every Day is exactly the same

I try and try but alas, I can not get it done. I need to point to domains on my server. This one, MjNet, and my alt site, TK. I Need to get it working before I do anything else. I’ve just got to get it setup and my to point towards the TK site and then, and then CNAME TK to Complex, yes? but I choose to set WP up using subdomainns, so its my only option. The woes of a post trysabri attack MSer are obviously incomplete.

As you can probably tell

My attention span is absolute shit these days. Seriously, I make so many plans from so many good ideas, but I hardly follow up on them, Like this post. I had intended in talking about how much my attention span is shit, but In having trouble banging this out on my keyboard. Then I start focusing on how my life has gone to shit, Totally. Fully. Complete shit, And now I’m suck in my life is complete shit cycle.

Well then, its time for my evening pills. My advice for the internet: Don’t get MS, and if you do, DO NOT treat it with tysabri,


I haven’t been biking a lot lately, largely in part to two influences.

!.)The cold

2.)I’ve been recently very lazy. More than usual. I hate to think it was the covid. I’ve gotten through that relatively unscathed. For which I’m thankful. At least I didn’t get vented!

That seems to be the current outcome for MS + covid. For a dude in his early 40’s who was in great shape up until the great attack. But I suppose only hard work will do that . I’ve certainly got the itch to get back on the bike. It might have to warm up first.

Oh and arch linux is the new Gentoo, Equally as frustrating and without the success. Yet.