
I remember when I first started spec’ing out machines. Other than the options not being there (think turn of the millennia), I could piece together a tower for myself for $350, and that’s only because there was a salesman between the product and I. Now I’d be hard pressed to find a new gaming system for less than $500. Still decent but it seems to hurt more to pull that trigger.

I feel the drive

My technolust guides me. Here is where I am at now

A. Got my server reestablished, At least MjNet is up, I’m still working on TK

B Got a backup up and running on my laptop via the ubuntu backup tool. Sill working on a server backup solution. I was thinking of a rsync type backup to a usb HDD, but I’m still thinking on it. Plan B there is just to reinstall the OS and server software and then web backups to my local laptop.

C. I’ve gotta get Ubuntu 22.04 back up on my i3 gaming machine. I feel kinda bad about this one. I repouposed it as as server after my attack and never utilized its full gaming potential, that and im scared the windows install is…well…I’ll just calll it partially corrupted. All the data is fully retrievable. It’s just that such a powerful machine (at the time) was sooo cheap. I’m happier just plugging in one of my extra HDD and reinstalling the OS.

Nice job El goog.

You forgot your mantra. “Don’t be evil”

A simple motto, but apparently impossible to accomplish these days.

Dear MS

yeah, I’m not doing an ocrevus commercial here (it’s an MS meciation which I took be for the great attack (maybe i should start refering to it as the massive attack?) I’m talking about Microsoft. and clearly you’re soft. Checking if pcs have an outdated version of office on their PC via microsoft update. This is the reason why why my server runs Ubuntu. I only keep windows around for steam, which runs on linux, but a lot of the games aren’t supported. AND IF I WANT AN UNSUPPORTED VERSION OF OFFICE ON MY MACHINE, then so be it! Open office for the win! OPEN SOURCE RULES! Microshaft drools.

Ok ok ok ok

Here’s what I’m planning for my sites:

  1. Mjnet: A personal blog about my life
  2. TK a blog about my life with MS

It’s been difficult to keep the two apart up till now. Granted much time can pass without a post on TK, but alas, at this point NO news is a very good. And now, I’ll see if anyone knows for what the acronym ATATS could stand. as I have NFC.

Let’s hope I can stick with this plan!