I am deleting my FB account. If my daughter gets me kicked from facebook again…she won’t I’m done account deleted. Holy fadge. this is not how i wanted my day to start

Thank you

PSN for letting my cc number get stolen…again. And that is the last time I’m ever using PSN.

What is up

with the younger girls drawing lines off of their eyes. I should probably ask my teenage daughter when she gets home?

wow, my fault, it’s cool, according to my daughter. Also, its eyeliner.

i still don’t understand, but OK. keep drawing lines off your eyes ladies. I won’t laugh at you.


i got stung by a bee while i was cutting the grass.

And now

I present to you uncensored version of will smith commiting career suicide live on TV:

I bet when Chris Rock took this job, he did not expect this outcome. i get it, ya gotta protect your woman’s honor. A hard thing to do when GI Jane exists.

Was it worth your carreer? Id think it wasn’t…but that’s just an armchair observer’s view.

And way to handle a hit Chris!


thats f****** awesome.

dude just slapped chris rock at the oscars and then goes on to get an oscar.

wow best acceptance speech ive witnessed in quite a while.

and to answer you will, no, i do not think the academy will have you back. Im eagerly awaiting for the late night shows to see their reaction!

i tuned in at the right time

putting on the Oscars when all of a sudden will smith took a swing at chris rock!

WTF will? You spent a lifetime carefully cultivating a good guy image…and then this?

thanks to the unnamed Japanese station for airing the uncensored version!