
I’m surprised AF with windows sustaining through this dual boot process. I think the usb key will need to be refreshed with the installer.


for the last few days, I’ve been in windows hell.

I think I need to think.

That’s the problems with having an insatiable technolust.

Trudging on…


I’ve got windows installed on an internal 2.5″ drive. And Linux is on an external HDD. Now to get them both booting on the same computer. Wish me luck. So far it’s only cost me two days.


Purgatory again. This time trying to setup a virtualized server to handle it. You know, less computers = smaller electricity bill. Unless it was all rasperberry pis or something. The quest for perfection continues.

Geeking Hard

Trying my hand at proxmox virtualization. That’s running on a virtualized server. Inception much?

Oh Yeah

Streaming groove salad classic through rythmbox on Ubuntu 24.04. Now to figure out how to capture it to a file locally.


My core i3 machine with an Nvidia Geforce card finally working…in ubuntu. Yes after a year, a massive MS attack and whatever, I fially am watching you tube videos on it.