I am so beyond angry. I know what did it but i cant say anything.


I’m trying to post with my screaming 7-year old in my ear.

Please hold

Experiencing some server difficulties. My apologies if MjNet|TK is down.

Holy WTF

I remember when choosing a background was as easy as searching an image. Now its hard AF. I am not paying money for a backgrond

The psychopathic right wingers

At Fox (Faux) are aiding in my disdain for football with the crazy promotion of right-wing ideas. See I see a political commercial and instantly know for who I am not voting.

FASCIST FOX CAN GO FUCK ITSELF and quit fellating that pretty boy TOM BRADY every week FFS! right-wing assholes.


i am in ps4 hell…again!

What is the defenition of insanity? Me right now.