Oh yeah

MjNet is back and fully functional…now to see about that troublesome TK

obviously TK is redirecting to MjNet. I’m lost…

Le Sigh

My ever loving technolust is messing with my life again. I’ve ordered a new server…beause I obviously hate myself. So largely It’ll be a lot of server updates over the next few weeks. Oh and hopefully TK will be back up because of this,

I think my server

Is in desperate need of an UPS. It was sitting here all afternoon powered off…which I didn’t notice as the monitor is off (unplugged). It was only that the keyboard wasn’t powered on that caused me to notice. Which had led me to the conclusion that I need a UPS. It’d help out my server anyway, right?

I’ve done it

I’ve gotten TK back up on my local server. Damn it took a lot of my brain for the day. The cost of being a persistent techie. I’ll wait until tomorrow to unveil it. My brain needs the rest of the evening off.