Please hold

Experiencing some server difficulties. My apologies if MjNet|TK is down.


I’m done squashing bugs for now. I’m exhausted mentally and need a break

I know my site is slow

Unfortunately I no longer have a spare machine to use as a server. luckily, my best machine has gone unused, so I’m working to replace the server. Virtually of course. It’ll make the bedroom that much quieter. So until I make that change, expect the same server lag 🙁

At least when I replace it, it wont be the server causing the lag.

So here’s my plan

I plan on decommissioning my old physical server.

Hopefully there won’t be any downtime that should happen…but you never know. And I realize my personal, non-revenue generating personal blog that I personally host is mostly irrelevant to to the internet, but it drives me, and at this point whatever gets my geek hyped is worth it,

Wish me luck.

I’ve still got it

You may have noticed a bit of downtime recently.

Bummer, I know you all missed me.

But the power supply in my server died.

I just swapped it with my backup server’s PS. And it fricking worked! like a charm.

Gleefully resuming the cleaning now.