This is fun to watch. Too bad the consequences are our country.
Wow Mike, ya got a lot on your plate.
the MIND of a MSer
This is fun to watch. Too bad the consequences are our country.
Wow Mike, ya got a lot on your plate.
Mike Johnson. You’re missing a T from you name. It weakens you, much like your peers will do to you. Mark my words.
Did you know Ragen started life as a democrat? Neither did I, all I can remember of him was union busing and firing air traffic controlers. But none-the-less: see the attached video for the truth.
Also I feel the need to point out the difference between Demigogue vs Demigod. See the Americans choose the first.
for my old downstairs computer. The old Athlon II is not keeping up. It is constantly pegged at 100%, both cores. So I’m looking into obtaining a 6 core phenom II processor for it. Here’s to hoping it’ll be a drop in replacement. Maybe after the holidays? I’d have to turn to ebay for it. The default 2 cores of Athlon II is not cutting it anymore.
Or perhaps I need to retire that machine?
So I finally took the time to resurrect the old workstation. It is running Debian 12. Yes, I have contentment now that that machine has nearly finished it’s renewed setup. Ya know it was my main workstation before the attack. Now for the customization.
To the most non-profit site on the entire Internet.
For turning me to millennials for news.
This isn’t a new feeling… I’ve felt it since (before) the election.