Here’s one

thing Ive noticed since trump assumed the office.

The influence of the tech bros is noticable.

The ads. Especially on ‘social’ media sites. Yes, I’m looking at you you tube.

For shame.

Shame on you you tube. We certainly need a second player to enter the game.

And it won’t even get into the Schwanzlutscher that is the zuck.


Ich habe große Pläne für mein Heimlabor.

Jetzt wechsle ich zu Schwedisch … wie der Fisch … oder meine Haare.

Oh Boy

Another Go

Ugh, YT embeds aren’t working right.


So starting tomorrow at 11am CST I’ll begin a 4year countdown clock. somehow.

Oh ManI

You can tell about a person’s politics by the car they drive now? Seriously I won’t ever forget this, you republican turds. You’ll never receive forgiveness from me. This is like a political 9/11. Except I tried to warn you idiots. Enjoy your ride on this 4 year roller coaster!