
Getting a smart plug for my server is turning out to be a difficult solution. It is causing more problems than it is solving. It must’ve been a good solution…or so I thought before my attack. I’m not even sure if the mother of all MS attacks was in 2018 or 2019 FFS. this is so flipping frustrating,

Holy Shit again

wife called att to get the problem we were having while on vaca resolved. Unluckily those ignoramus had my wife reset the modem. luckily it wasn’t that bad as my registrar held onto my settings and all is well. now to keep picking up the pieces

ugh again

i really need some heavier metal for my server (or switch to server edition). Stay tuned while i ever so slowly come to a decision.

Wish me luck

I’m trying to upgrade my server. If this sites around tomorrow, consider it a success.

21.04 done. now trying 22.04


I think I’ve got it sufficient for now. Now to add some mind blowing content.

Wouldn’t you know

I’m experiencing email woes. and it was the permalinks that were breaking my site, plain it is for now.

I’m back

MjNet v4.0(?) is up on a new server. Hopefully it won’t get hacked out of the box. And it’s faster for all my visitors. Because no one wants to wait to be bored. But that’s the beauty of my own website.

I don’t pay for a hosting service, and you should have a faster experience on my site.