watching the body of the man who was president when I was born get his casket unloaded from a 747, adorned in the colors of the US. and get loaded into hearse. My world got a bit rocked today with that visual.
May he rest in peace
The president I was born under has died. Many thanks be on to you, and god speed on your journey.
I think
Trump should issue a correction over his MAGA hats and should have to replace them. I know I’m getting in the weeds here over semantics, but my (public) education tells me his caps are inaccurate! By putting ’45-47′, doesn’t that include 46? wouldn’t that be incorrect? Shouldn’t it be ’45, 47′? How do you like this 4am post, Elon? Am I incorrect? LMK.
Isn’t that plagiarism? Trumps a plagiarist!
I know, I know. Pot. Kettle. But at least I can issue instant corrections on my website, which you can’t do with your caps!
This is fun to watch. Too bad the consequences are our country.
Wow Mike, ya got a lot on your plate.
Dear Speaker
Mike Johnson. You’re missing a T from you name. It weakens you, much like your peers will do to you. Mark my words.
Did you know Ragen started life as a democrat? Neither did I, all I can remember of him was union busing and firing air traffic controlers. But none-the-less: see the attached video for the truth.
Also I feel the need to point out the difference between Demigogue vs Demigod. See the Americans choose the first.
Et Tu Wisconsin
Thanks trump
For turning me to millennials for news.
It’s good to know I’m not the only liberal Johnston out there.
The Elon… : (
This isn’t a new feeling… I’ve felt it since (before) the election.