Gosh its tough

watching the body of the man who was president when I was born get his casket unloaded from a 747, adorned in the colors of the US. and get loaded into hearse. My world got a bit rocked today with that visual.

I think

Trump should issue a correction over his MAGA hats and should have to replace them. I know I’m getting in the weeds here over semantics, but my (public) education tells me his caps are inaccurate! By putting ’45-47′, doesn’t that include 46? wouldn’t that be incorrect? Shouldn’t it be ’45, 47′? How do you like this 4am post, Elon? Am I incorrect? LMK.

Isn’t that plagiarism? Trumps a plagiarist!

I know, I know. Pot. Kettle. But at least I can issue instant corrections on my website, which you can’t do with your caps!


This is fun to watch. Too bad the consequences are our country.

Wow Mike, ya got a lot on your plate.

Dear Speaker

Mike Johnson. You’re missing a T from you name. It weakens you, much like your peers will do to you. Mark my words.