is told to cease-and-desist over his guitars.
And you haven’t even assumed the office yet…so what other shit will you try to sell the gullible Americans?
the MIND of a MSer
is told to cease-and-desist over his guitars.
And you haven’t even assumed the office yet…so what other shit will you try to sell the gullible Americans?
Of American freedom, I wish you all the best of luck. And remember to Resist!
You have sullied you surname. Fool.
Are no more. Surprised? I’m not. Oh, and you’re not going back to congress, matt? We all wonder why? (no, most of us are aware of your sexual exploits)
he came to his senses. To where does he go next?
Ich bin ein Amerikaner, der die Freiheit liebt.
the WWW version of doom scrolling. Definitely won’t do it on that place that mustn’t be mentioned ever again. Nor will I do it on that traitor by association’s bookface. No. I signed up for bluesky and we’ll see how that goes. It’s gotta go up from where I’m at? Right?
At least until they come after all forms of dissent, and if it hit that point I’d be trying Canada for political asylum.
I can say, I didn’t vote for Trump. Not this time, nor the time before, or the time be fore that. But since it’s a private ballot, so you’ll have to take my word for that.
is who my countrymen…errrr…country people have elected