I think I’m doing

the WWW version of doom scrolling. Definitely won’t do it on that place that mustn’t be mentioned ever again. Nor will I do it on that traitor by association’s bookface. No. I signed up for bluesky and we’ll see how that goes. It’s gotta go up from where I’m at? Right?

At the very least

I can say, I didn’t vote for Trump. Not this time, nor the time before, or the time be fore that. But since it’s a private ballot, so you’ll have to take my word for that.

Hey Dems

Instead of begging for money, why don’t you reformulate your plan? It is insulting to see your party get their asses kicked in last election and then have you pandering for donations now.


Might I suggest you vet your appointments a bit more before putting them forward? You want to watch people fall? Please don’t do it with your pedo assiates. Although this must be a distraction of sorts? Unless you are planning on reanimating Epstien?