Ya know

What’s been stuck in my head.


I thought it was a better time, but no, it’s when the D put in a another woman. Obviously OUR country is not post-sexist OR post-racial on top of that, you bunch of misogynist bigots. Get your head out of the sand, you bunch of ostriches.

I don’t use this word often, but damn, you got played like a violin America! Is it better if I call it a fiddle. Seems more apprapoe.

FDT! The first felon to be elected president. The resistance will start this Jan 6. Why is that such an eventful day?

As we enter

The winter of discontent, would anyone like to join me in laying flat? Note, I am not totally clued into that movement. But it seems like it’d be effective, at this moment.

So my champion of choice

was defeated, soundly. I am in pain, I am in mourning. I will suffer with the rest of the Democrats in this country.

But mark my words…fate will befall you.

I’m not the only one feeling like this. I can only hope it makes a connection with you. And making America great again is anything but a campaign slogan and fictitious lie. I’d inset a slogan here but you’re too obtuse to get it.

For the next campaign I’d suggest the following slogan: MASA: Make America Smart Again.


Here is how I’m feeling for the next four years:

L7’s stuck here again



The sheeple have spoken and elected a rich old guy and have seemingly delivered the whole government to him.