Shit shit shit

i am more than likely covid+. You have no idea how much this sucks ass. Dr. B advised me to stop my immunosuppressant medican. Its not official at this point but it is more than likely contracted it from my wife. She got it from a new hire at work. GD dumbass kids dont you realize you put me,my wife, and chances are my children at risk. No. I don’t blame my wife. After all, her occupation allows us to live as we do. And i hope us all the best on this trip.

found this after I resurrected the site : /


The genocide olympics are over! Too bad the genocide is not (for the victims).

Yeah, after what almost 2 years of avoiding it

I likely have the ‘vid. My wife’s careless coworker brought it to work and gave it to her. Who in turn likely gave it to me and the kids. Dumb ass newbie* has ruined my Christmas , and in turn my already shitty 2021. Not only mine, but the whole family had it ruined. Straight up drove a truck into it.

The careless, thoughtless coworker dumbass is never to be forgiven.

I without a doubt

blame the cover-up causing chinese government for this pandemic. You people are terrible human beings and don’t deserve to inhabit this planet any longer.

Your dumb ass pendemic has reached me halfway across the world. Thank goodness i had gotten an initial dose of jansen’s vaccine so i can continue to berate you for the rest of my life. Western medicine for the win!