Darn it

My backup file is corrupt. I knew I should’ve taken another backup before wiping the server HDD.

After much digging I found a backup from November.

Shit shit shit

i am more than likely covid+. You have no idea how much this sucks ass. Dr. B advised me to stop my immunosuppressant medican. Its not official at this point but it is more than likely contracted it from my wife. She got it from a new hire at work. GD dumbass kids dont you realize you put me,my wife, and chances are my children at risk. No. I don’t blame my wife. After all, her occupation allows us to live as we do. And i hope us all the best on this trip.

found this after I resurrected the site : /

Holy WTF

I remember when choosing a background was as easy as searching an image. Now its hard AF. I am not paying money for a backgrond

So here’s my plan

I plan on decommissioning my old physical server.

Hopefully there won’t be any downtime that should happen…but you never know. And I realize my personal, non-revenue generating personal blog that I personally host is mostly irrelevant to to the internet, but it drives me, and at this point whatever gets my geek hyped is worth it,

Wish me luck.

What is up

with the younger girls drawing lines off of their eyes. I should probably ask my teenage daughter when she gets home?

wow, my fault, it’s cool, according to my daughter. Also, its eyeliner.

i still don’t understand, but OK. keep drawing lines off your eyes ladies. I won’t laugh at you.