so full of sorrow

sorry that i let friend use my wifi while…they…stayed over. Hoping that doesnt cost me! Im also sorry to natures care. I went to rise again. Its so much closer to me* than your store although i found out they carry airopro cartridges so there is that option now! But you are still my no1 when it comes to dispensaries!

*makes a difference when you’re serverly hobbled by MS (aka the great attack of 2019) (or was it 2018? So hard to remember that time!)

dammit samsung

you’re Korean not Chinese, why do you constantly push the chinese bases tiktok app on me? If you knew me like you’re supposed to know me, you would know that i have disavowed anything and everything china.


that was easy. I just transitioned from the laptop’s default 128MB SSD to a TB SSD. WD Green. Not the fastest, I know, but It got me a gig of storage…for relatively cheap. Plus, it wasn’t made in china!

you know

your mini vaca is off to a bad start when you forget the piece.

Update: like the stoner that i am i actually packed one.

Sorry Nature’s Care

But I tried rise today. It was easy, close and cheap, like community college, but certainly not tax free. : (

I still prefer natures. Unfortunately, RISE is much closer.

The goose is lose

yeah so i cheaped out and bought a mongoose 29er. Yeah, I know, for shame. But all i needed was the frame. The rest is just a bonus. I figure ill just replace parts as they break. Better than paying $1000+ for a ke.


can flippong suck it. Every damned time we go through the drive through they mess something up. Its so often im doing myself the favor of reducing the stress and swearing off mcdonalds. Mcd’s can suck it. I’m done.