Is Chelios a traitor?

No, I’m not talking about chris chelios, whom I certainly considered a traitor ever since he played for the wings. A LOCAL TRAITOR at least. But no I’m talking about a different Chelios.

I’m certainly not talking about Chev Chelios, a fictional character. That wouldn’t make sense.

No, I’m talking about his son Jake. Whom the Chinese government was happy to accept onto their team…for now. Lets see if you don’t want your American citizenship back after the genocide Olympics are over. And since this is my own personal blog I can say whatever I want. And that is you’re a traitor to your country and your last name. I hope chis is certainly (not) proud of you. You’ll have to live the rest of your life living with this knowledge. Enjoy your Chinese citizenship TRAITOR! And yes, I feel very just calling you a traitor.