C’mon Chicago

I’ll be rooting for the bears today. As expected. They certainly should not let me down.

UPDATE: They did it. WTG bears!


i got stung by a bee while i was cutting the grass.


Getting a smart plug for my server is turning out to be a difficult solution. It is causing more problems than it is solving. It must’ve been a good solution…or so I thought before my attack. I’m not even sure if the mother of all MS attacks was in 2018 or 2019 FFS. this is so flipping frustrating,


i am in ps4 hell…again!

What is the defenition of insanity? Me right now.

Yes, thankfully

America decided to dump trump (thank goodness), now go bury him garland! Need I remind you that if America hadn’t lost its mind, you’d be on the supreme court right now.

Holy Shit again

wife called att to get the problem we were having while on vaca resolved. Unluckily those ignoramus had my wife reset the modem. luckily it wasn’t that bad as my registrar held onto my settings and all is well. now to keep picking up the pieces

finally did it

i took the tires off my explorer! I feel so accomplished…even if i really need to get a bigger jack! Barely able to put back on the tire i removed. Man super tough to not end that sentence incorrectly. And my jack is pmtfo. Damn thing keeps dropping on me. Added to shopping list: newer bigger jack! It was sufficient for the civic, but extremely dangerous on the explorer.


it isn’t easy to say goodbye to the best neighbors ever! You all will be forever missed in this house. Best of luck wherever you land!