you’re Korean not Chinese, why do you constantly push the chinese bases tiktok app on me? If you knew me like you’re supposed to know me, you would know that i have disavowed anything and everything china.
And now
I present to you uncensored version of will smith commiting career suicide live on TV:
I bet when Chris Rock took this job, he did not expect this outcome. i get it, ya gotta protect your woman’s honor. A hard thing to do when GI Jane exists.
Was it worth your carreer? Id think it wasn’t…but that’s just an armchair observer’s view.
And way to handle a hit Chris!
thats f****** awesome.
dude just slapped chris rock at the oscars and then goes on to get an oscar.
wow best acceptance speech ive witnessed in quite a while.
and to answer you will, no, i do not think the academy will have you back. Im eagerly awaiting for the late night shows to see their reaction!
i tuned in at the right time
putting on the Oscars when all of a sudden will smith took a swing at chris rock!
WTF will? You spent a lifetime carefully cultivating a good guy image…and then this?
thanks to the unnamed Japanese station for airing the uncensored version!
that was easy. I just transitioned from the laptop’s default 128MB SSD to a TB SSD. WD Green. Not the fastest, I know, but It got me a gig of storage…for relatively cheap. Plus, it wasn’t made in china!
ты уже проиграл.
you know
your mini vaca is off to a bad start when you forget the piece.
Update: like the stoner that i am i actually packed one.
More printing frustration
I hate printers! Trying to make an old lazer printer that has been run over over print out a copy of my mmj card. It is ALWAYS something when I try to print.
The genocide olympics are over! Too bad the genocide is not (for the victims).
Help, I am in email hell. On this site (MJnet) and tk. I am not getting any email sent. I’ll be working on that all day, if not longer.