Dear Speaker

Mike Johnson. You’re missing a T from you name. It weakens you, much like your peers will do to you. Mark my words.

I need a new processor

for my old downstairs computer. The old Athlon II is not keeping up. It is constantly pegged at 100%, both cores. So I’m looking into obtaining a 6 core phenom II processor for it. Here’s to hoping it’ll be a drop in replacement. Maybe after the holidays? I’d have to turn to ebay for it. The default 2 cores of Athlon II is not cutting it anymore.

Or perhaps I need to retire that machine?


So I finally took the time to resurrect the old workstation. It is running Debian 12. Yes, I have contentment now that that machine has nearly finished it’s renewed setup. Ya know it was my main workstation before the attack. Now for the customization.