finally did it

i took the tires off my explorer! I feel so accomplished…even if i really need to get a bigger jack! Barely able to put back on the tire i removed. Man super tough to not end that sentence incorrectly. And my jack is pmtfo. Damn thing keeps dropping on me. Added to shopping list: newer bigger jack! It was sufficient for the civic, but extremely dangerous on the explorer.


it isn’t easy to say goodbye to the best neighbors ever! You all will be forever missed in this house. Best of luck wherever you land!

ugh again

i really need some heavier metal for my server (or switch to server edition). Stay tuned while i ever so slowly come to a decision.

sorry again

to natures care. I dig it the most, that’s fer sure, but the location of rise makes those frequent trips a hit more doable.

but i like you more my medical dispensary natures care! I swear! Too bad the price of gas makes it an easy choice.

so full of sorrow

sorry that i let friend use my wifi while…they…stayed over. Hoping that doesnt cost me! Im also sorry to natures care. I went to rise again. Its so much closer to me* than your store although i found out they carry airopro cartridges so there is that option now! But you are still my no1 when it comes to dispensaries!

*makes a difference when you’re serverly hobbled by MS (aka the great attack of 2019) (or was it 2018? So hard to remember that time!)

yeah my sites seem to be good

ill leave the sever be for a bit. Don’t want downtime. Its no fun. Backup by any means neccessary is what i always say..

and i got cought not following my own advice. Luckily it was just a hiccup and resolved itself. Which leads me to the next rule. Don’t do anything hastily!

Guh – my sites are kind of back

at least in the android browser. Hopefully i can figure out wtf went on.

Damn hat was scary. I stupidly didn’t even back up my sites before proceeding. Lesson certainly relearned. ALWAY CREARTE A BACKUP BEFORE UPGRADING. Like the installer said – Dumb ass me! next step – create a bacup and switch to server. Its ALOT better experience for everybody.