As you can probably tell

My attention span is absolute shit these days. Seriously, I make so many plans from so many good ideas, but I hardly follow up on them, Like this post. I had intended in talking about how much my attention span is shit, but In having trouble banging this out on my keyboard. Then I start focusing on how my life has gone to shit, Totally. Fully. Complete shit, And now I’m suck in my life is complete shit cycle.

Well then, its time for my evening pills. My advice for the internet: Don’t get MS, and if you do, DO NOT treat it with tysabri,


I haven’t been biking a lot lately, largely in part to two influences.

!.)The cold

2.)I’ve been recently very lazy. More than usual. I hate to think it was the covid. I’ve gotten through that relatively unscathed. For which I’m thankful. At least I didn’t get vented!

That seems to be the current outcome for MS + covid. For a dude in his early 40’s who was in great shape up until the great attack. But I suppose only hard work will do that . I’ve certainly got the itch to get back on the bike. It might have to warm up first.

Oh and arch linux is the new Gentoo, Equally as frustrating and without the success. Yet.


I got FTP over TLS/SSL (self-signed cert) now I just have to expose it to the net…and hope it doesn’t get hacked.

Yeah, after what almost 2 years of avoiding it

I likely have the ‘vid. My wife’s careless coworker brought it to work and gave it to her. Who in turn likely gave it to me and the kids. Dumb ass newbie* has ruined my Christmas , and in turn my already shitty 2021. Not only mine, but the whole family had it ruined. Straight up drove a truck into it.

The careless, thoughtless coworker dumbass is never to be forgiven.

I without a doubt

blame the cover-up causing chinese government for this pandemic. You people are terrible human beings and don’t deserve to inhabit this planet any longer.

Your dumb ass pendemic has reached me halfway across the world. Thank goodness i had gotten an initial dose of jansen’s vaccine so i can continue to berate you for the rest of my life. Western medicine for the win!

Been taking long weekends during cycling

the bug has left for the winter. All ive been getting is the stearnes hills. Good workout. I can make it up if im on the marin, as long as the trail is not washed out. Which it was today. So i ended up walking the exit hill. Yes. Im hanging my head in shame today 🙁


I’m working on bringing my old laptop up. the one before before this one. The one I did, and should’ve left dead and parted it out, but as always, I can’t leave well enough alone. Especially since I can’t find the wireless mouse for it. and I always need more older tech. Maybe some day I’ll learn that.

I am quickly leaning

that I do not like the eye doctor’s. Holy high pressure sales. Today was the last time I’ll go to an eye doctors.