Dealing with TK turning into MjNet on firefox. but different sites work. Its just my local two self-hosted sites I’m having trouble on my one browser.
I’m not sure if I mentioned it
But TK is back up! Woot. The only problem is it gives me one more site to update.
just won
Does that mean varsity is going to lose?
I haven’t FSU’ed in quite a while
What should I do now?
Something that won’t potentially kill my server.
Hopefully, at least.
I should’ve named
my site Swedish blonde, because I surely am (mostly) Swede, English, a bit of American Indian…but none-the-less I’m sure I’d disappoint a lot of people when they arrived. Yeah, I suffer from perpetually low self-esteem.
Went to the Neurologist today
Nothing new, just a follow-up. Hopefully we can get the ball re-rolling on the DMT again. Not that i’m terrified of their consequences or anything.
i’m happy, both of my sites are up on my local server. This, to me is a GREAT, GREAT, VICTORY. It pleases the tech nerd in me vastly. I’ll be enjoying this victory while I look into expanding services, and looking into backup solutions. Obviously, I didn’t have a good one for the last fail. I’d like future failures to be easier to recover. But that’ll be a bunch of brainpower. Which I need to let cool off or a bit.
Oh Boy
The bears. first game of the year and they are getting blown out already. I can’t do this anymore.
And it in typical NFL fashion, the bears are leading with less than 3 minutes left.
TK is back.
How, I’m not sure, must be some vhost magic. Makes me want to create more websites. However, we’ll see if I can populate two websites at the same time.
WOOT! I’m super happy because of this!
A fitting haiku
I found on the interwebz
Not sure it’s a proper haiku
It’s not DNS
There’s no way it’s DNS
It was DNS